The Cross: The Power the Purpose, the Passion

by Cathy Ciaramitaro


More than a religious icon...more than a piece of jewelry...more than a song to sing...the CROSS is the power of an almighty God! We think we know what the Cross of Jesus Christ means, but most are limited in their understanding of it. To know the Cross is to know the incredible riches of a God who would stop at nothing to connect with His creation on every level. To know the Cross is to live free from guilt and blame. To know the Cross is to boldly declare that freedom with others. You see, the power, the purpose and the passion of the Cross are all for one for God to win your heart! Capture your future with the life-transforming truths contained in Cathy Ciaramitaro's The Cross. Find new passion. Understand the purpose. Experience the the Cross of Jesus Christ.