The Art of Personal Imagery: Expressing Your Life Through Collage

Express yourself—and celebrate your life—with collage."The Art of Personal Imagery" introduces a fresh approach to collage, one that blends traditional methods with innovative new techniques for capturing your favorite moments and most treasured memories in your artwork. Step by step, author Corey Moortgat teaches you the secrets to adding visual and emotional depth to your collage: Commemorate special occasions by transforming mementos into clever collage elements.Add meaning to your work with written sentiments about your friends and family.Use painting and paper layering techniques to blend a glossy modern photo with vintage ephemera. Stage your own photo shoot to capture images perfect for your artwork.Find your personal symbols with creative exercises to unlock your subconscious mind.Push yourself beyond impersonal collage! Create beautiful artwork that honors your loved ones and glows with your essence.
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