Collaborative Leadership: How Citizens and Civic Leaders Can Make a Difference

by David D. Chrislip


Creating civic will by engaging citizens on the toughest publicproblems helps break legislative and bureaucratic gridlock andrestores trust in public institutions. This book shows you how todo it.
--The Honorable Federico Pena, U.S. Secretary ofTransportation

The leaders who are most effective in addressing public issues arethose who have the credibility to bring together the right peopleto create visions and solve problems. Drawing on their extensiveresearch, as well as on the advice and guidance of the leadingscholars and practitioners in the field, David Chrislip and CarlLarson show how elected officials and other civic leaders cangenerate the civic will to break through legislative andbureaucratic gridlock, deal with complex issues, and engagefrustrated and angry citizens. They also describe how to design,initiate, and sustain a constructive, collaborative process. Thisgroundbreaking book provides insight and answers to the majorchallenges facing communities today.

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