Nutrient Requirements of Laboratory Animals,: Fourth Revised Edition, 1995

by National Research Council


In the years since the third edition of this indispensable reference was published, a great deal has been learned about the nutritional requirements of common laboratory rat, mouse, guinea pig, hamster, gerbil, and vole. The Fourth Revised Edition presents the current expert understanding of the lipid, carbohydrate, protein, mineral, vitamin, and other nutritional needs of these animals. The extensive use of tables provides easy access to a wealth of comprehensive data and resource information. The volume also provides an expanded background discussion of general dietary considerations. In addition to a more user-friendly organization, new features in this edition New information on growth and reproductive performance among the most commonly used strains of rats and mice and on several hamster species. This authoritative resource will be important to researchers, laboratory technicians, and manufacturers of laboratory animal feed.

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