Procedure & Billing Denials: What Every Physician Needs to Know

by Unknown


Provides physicians & staff with the background necessary when dealing with a modern insurance company on a Personal Injury case. Describes procedures and codes frequently flagged by insurers, and insurance medical bill review software. Discusses coding methods and procedures which are flagged for audits, or rejected. Discusses modern necessity for charting to substantiate treatment and reduce payment problems. In states which have PIP / Med-pay this book will reduce payment problems with the patient's insurer. In states which have no PIP / Med-pay, this book can make the difference between the physician's office getting paid appropriately by the lawyer for a case, or not, by ensuring you understand the analysis of your records before they hit Colossus or other claims assessment software. Combines expert guidance you can use to properly code your diagnoses and procedures, and document Personal Injury cases.

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