Synthetic Peptides: A User's Guide (Uwbc Biotechnical Resource Series)

by Gregory A. Grant


Contemporary solid-phase peptide synthesis is a streamlined, automated technology and its products are more readily available to a larger group of researchers than ever before. But because many researchers rely on contract services to obtain their peptides, they are often not familiar with
the "tricks of the trade" in artificial peptide design, manufacturing, and handling. This practical guide to the new peptide synthesis helps you to use artificial peptides more effectively, devise efficient experiments and avoid common pitfalls. The appendix lists sources offering custom peptide
synthesis or other analytical services. Synthetic Peptides is the second volume in the UWBC Biotechnical Resource Series with Dr. Richard R. Burgess, Director of the University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center, as Series Editor. The series is dedicated to providing practical guidance to
researchers exploring new technologies and services.

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