In Highland Harbours: Para Handy Stories, Volume 2

Second Para Handy collection.
I. New Cook
II. Pension Farms
III. Para Handy's Pup
IV. Treasure Trove
V. Luck
VI. Salvage For The Vital Spark
VII. Para Handy Has An Eye To Business
VIII. A Vegetarian Experiment
IX. The Complete Gentleman
X. An Ocean Tragedy
XI. The Return Of The Tar
XII. The Fortune-teller
XIII. The Hair Lotion
XIV. Para Handy And The Navy
XV. Piracy In The Kyles
XVI. Among The Yachts
XVIII. Christmas On The Vital Spark
XIX. The Maids Of Bute
XX. Herring--a Gossip
XXI. To Campbeltown By Sea
XXII. How To Buy A Boat
XXIII. The Stowaway
XXIV. Confidence
XXV. The Goat
XXVI. Para Handy's Vote.
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