The Ecology and Management of Biological Invasions in Southern Africa: Proceedings of the National Synthesis Symposium on the Ecology of Biological Invasions

Based on a symposium held by the South African National Programme for Ecosystem Research, this book has been compiled in response to the increasing realization worldwide, but notably in South Africa, that introduced species pose a true ecological and economic threat to agricultural and
conservation activities. The authors review current knowledge and management practice in response to the invasive spread of introduced species in South Africa, and focus on the study of species which have invaded non-agricultural regions, thereby disrupting natural ecosystem processes. The
ecological processes involved are described, as are basic principles of management of invasive species in protected ecosystems and grazing lands. Using case studies to demonstrate timing location rate, extent of spread, mode and motivation of introduction, impact, and control strategies for a
variety of South African species, this unique work offers helpful guidelines for management and ecological understanding that can be applied internationally.
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