Hospital security

Hospital Security, 3rd edition, a complete resource for healthcare protection planning and programming, offers thorough coverage of the primary issues of hospital security. Written primarily for use by the healthcare protection administrator, it also serves as a reference for any hospital security officer, supervisor or administrator. This book presents a complext and diverse security speciality in a readavle and understandable form. Hospital Security deiscusses contemporary issules including hospital security handling of patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, animal and research laboratory security, parking structure secuirty concerns, hospital watch programs, the relationship between hospital security litigation cases, the first and sedond editions of this book have been repeatedly referred to as " the bible of the industry." Insitutions of higher learning will find Hospital Security useful as a text for classes in criminal justice and healthcare administration.Hospital Security, 3rd edition, a complete resource for healthcare protection planning and programming, offers thorough coverage of the primary issues of hospital security. Written primarily for use by the healthcare protection administrator, it also serves as a reference for any hospital security officer, supervisor or administrator. This book presents a complext and diverse security speciality in a readavle and understandable form. Hospital Security deiscusses contemporary issules including hospital security handling of patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, animal and research laboratory security, parking structure secuirty concerns, hospital watch programs, the relationship between hospital security litigation cases, the first and sedond editions of this book have been repeatedly referred to as " the bible of the industry." Insitutions of higher learning will find Hospital Security useful as a text for classes in criminal justice and healthcare administration.Russell L. Colling has been a major contributor to the field of hospital security for the past 25 years. He was the founding president of the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS) and is active in the association, focusing on training of hospital security officers. Mr. colling is currently Executive Vice President, Security Services, at Hospital Shared Services of Colorado, which operates or advices hospital security programs in some 70 hospitals in Colorado, Wyoming, California, Wisconsin, and Toronto, Canada. He is a Certified Protection Professional (CPP) and a Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator (CHPA). Mr Colling holds a master's degree in security management from Michigan State University and teaches a wide variety of criminal justice courses at the graduate and under-graduate levels.
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