Time Off! the Unemployed Guide to San Francisco

by Dean LaTourrette


Time Off! The Leisure Guide to San Francisco helps the underworked, the overworked, and those who simply aren’t working — by choice or otherwise — make the most of their leisure time in the City by the Bay. Part guidebook, part reference, and part leisure manifesto, the book offers practical advice on obtaining unemployment insurance, curing the unemployment blues, finding odd jobs, getting along without a regular job, and saving money in innovative ways. Chapters on volunteering and going back to school help make down time rewarding and productive, while sections on rediscovering the city — with a wealth of suggestions for shops, restaurants, nightlife, fairs and festivals, and little-known attractions — celebrate the leisure time in down time. More than just a how-to or travel guide, the book offers a positive, guilt-free assessment of leisure, reminding readers that it is possible to be gainfully unemployed.

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