Student Companion to George Orwell:

Animal Farm and 1984 , in their shocking portrayals of society gone wrong, are among the rare works of fiction that will forever change the way we think. Written with students and general readers in mind, this volume examines George Orwell's powerful fictional writing, as well as his provocative documentaries and essays. Students will gain an appreciation for the many levels of meaning in the allegorical Animal Farm and the startlingly prescient 1984 . Brunsdale does a masterful job of showing how personal and world events came together in Orwell's writing. A carefully drawn biographical chapter examines the development of Orwell's worldview from his impressionable student days to his later years as he struggled with his health, his political identity, and his literary career. The literary heritage chapter traces Orwell's influence as a truth-teller and reviews the literary influences that inspired Orwell to experiment and continually refine his writing style. Individual chapters provide in-depth but accessible analysis of each major work of fiction and nonfiction including the often-anthologized essay Shooting an Elephant and Orwell's first full-length publication Down and Out in Paris and in London . In addition to plot and character development, considerable attention is given to the historical contexts and the thematic concerns of social injustice that drove Orwell to devote his life to his writing.
This critical study analyzes each of Orwell's major writings in chronological order, analyzing the literary components of each as well as the historical context that informed each work. Each chapter also offers an insightful alternate interpretation of Orwell's works. As a student research tool, this volume is tremendously valuable, particularly with its extensive bibliography of materials from many different fields that illuminate the life and work of this highly important British author.
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