Cleanroom Technology: Fundamentals of Design, Testing and Operation

A cleanroom is a contamination-controlled environment and is essential in the industrial manufacture of many electronic, semiconductor, optical, pharmaceutical and medical products.
The use of cleanrooms for the manufacture of a large range of products such as microprocessors, CD players, lasers, pharmaceuticals and medical devices continues to grow and many companies are using cleanrooms for the first time. At the same time, new technology products that can only be produced in cleanrooms are being developed. This comprehensive overview of the fundamentals, design, testing and operation of cleanroom systems provides novices with a introduction to this state-of-the-art technology and professionals with an accessible reference to the current standards. Readers will benifit from the author's 35 years of experience in cleanroom technology R&D, consultancy and teaching. The text is complementary to the structure and content of Whyte's own and many in-house cleanroom courses in the electronics and pharmaceutical industries.
* Complementary to the highly successful Cleanroom Design, Second Edition and the forthcoming Cleanroom Testing and Running by the same author
* Presents the fundamentals and latest standards for the design, validation, testing and running of cleanroom systems
Pitched at introductory level and tailored to fulfil the training requirements of scientists and engineers new to cleanroom technology
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