TM: Bioethics and the Law

by Dolgin


The challenge of teaching bioethics is covering all the necessary material in limited class time. This new casebook succeeds in emphasizing the breadth of the field while making it accessible to students. Bioethics and The Law uses an integrative approach, a coherent 'lifespan' organization, and practical applications and pedagogy to facilitate both teaching and learning. In this distinctive new text, the take a multidisciplinary approach that combines legal materials with jurisprudential, philosophical, and sociological materials to provide a variety of theoretical frames from which to examine legal concepts represent strong expressions of different points of view within debates about bioethical issues, in addition to important cases and explanatory materials value all responsible opinions while assisting students in situating their own voices within ongoing debates demonstrate the need to mediate the discontinuity between the law's focus on broad rules and the bioethicist's concern with context and detail require students to consider the ethical implications of managed care, of the shifting parameters of the provider/patient relationship in healthcare, and of the role of government in designing and implementing programs such as Medicaid and Medicare supplement the traditional focus of bioethics on the individual with a second focus on the socio-economic developments that shape healthcare follow a 'lifespan' organization, mirroring a typical lifespan from reproduction to death connect broad public healthcare issues to concerns of the individual patient/healthcare consumer, promotes understanding of many unsettling and complexsituations, and underscores the implications of bioethical developments for understandings of personhood Simplifies Class Preparation for Both Students and Instructors Includes an informative appendix with portions of the Presidents Council on Bioethics report on reproductive and non-reproductive cloning and a helpful glossary of terms Comprehensive Teacher's Manual provides answers to the problems and questions in the book and suggests alternative ways of using the text