Fun & Fabulous Pillows to Sew: 15 Easy Designs for the Complete Beginner (Fun & Fabulous)

by Valerie Van Arsdale Shrader


Have you ever seen a fabulous pillow in a boutique or catalog and thought: “I wish I could make that”? Fortunately, you can! Pillows are one of the easiest home decorating items to sew, and these 15 styles will appeal to today’s hip readers. A short introductory course provides all the basic skills—seaming, installing a zipper, stitching buttons and buttonholes, adding flanges—and then it’s time to sew. Start simple with a knife-edged square pillow, move on to a boxed cushion with piping, and create a bolster to showcase a fabulous fabric. Each project builds on the one before, so readers progressively develop a repertoire of skills. Many of the pillows feature popular embellishments such as ribbon trim, appliqué, and embroidery.