Gatty's Tale

by Kevin Crossley-Holland


In the year 1203, nine companions set out on a great pilgrimmage. The journey - on foot, on horseback and by sea - is fraught with danger. Not all of them will come home.

Among them is Gatty, whose whole life has been spent working in the fields. Bright, eager and resolute, with the singing voice of an angel, she is at the heart of this enthralling novel that sweeps across Europe towards Jerusalem. We come to know the pilgrims intimately - their bickering, praying and joking, their fear and exhaustion, their loyalty and sacrifice as they face thieves and storms and precipices, a vicious attack and a heartbreaking impulsiveness land her in danger, yet she is transformed by her experiences and by her exposure to new people and new ideas. How can she go back to her old life in the Welsh Marches after this? And will she see again the one person she can tell her heart to?

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