The Oxford Desk Dictionary of People and Places

In The Oxford Desk Dictionary of People and Places , readers will find a depth of information and a range of coverage that surpasses even unabridged dictionaries.
The biographical section covers more than 7,500 individuals, from earliest recorded history right through to the present. Each entry includes pronunciation, the date of birth and death, nationality, and significant achievements. We learn, for instance, that Chinua Achebe was born in 1930, is a
Nigerian novelist, poet, short-story writer, and essayist, wrote Things Fall Apart (1958) and Anthills of the Savanna (1987). The next entry tells us the Dean Acheson was U.S. secretary of state who urged international control of nuclear power, was instrumental in the formation of NATO, and
implemented the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine. Major historical figures, such as U.S. presidents, have boxed entries that include a wealth of information about their private lives and public careers. The geographical section covers some 10,000 places of all kinds. Coverage includes all the
nations of the world (with helpful locator maps), capitals, major or historic cities and towns, important regions, notable geographic features (such as mountain ranges and ocean currents), and places that have played a part in world history or culture (such as Agincourt or the Acropolis).
With fascinating appendixes that cover everything from Academy Award winners to the major volcanoes of the world, The Oxford Desk Dictionary of People and Places offers a wealth of reliable information in a handy, affordable format.
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