The Healing Touch: A Guide to Healing Prayer for Yourself and Those You Love

Our society is brimming with people suffering the effects of past abuse, rejection, physical illness, bad choices, and unhealthy relationships. Author and radio personality Norma Dearing has spent thousands of hours listening to and praying with those in need of emotional, physical, or spiritual healing. In The Healing Touch, she shares stories from countless people who have been set free from unhealthy relationships, unholy unions, addictions, generational influences, and physical illnesses associated with these.
The Healing Touch is divided into three Healing our Relationship with God, How to Have a Right Relationship with God, and Living within a Right Relationship with God. Packed with wise counsel, the book includes specific prayers for healing in the reader's own life and prayer for others in need. Dearing also covers rarely addressed problems such as healing from occult experience and pre-birth traumas, and explores the issue of why some people are not healed.
This handbook is for counselors, lay leaders, pastors, and individuals who want to see people delivered from the unnatural ravages of hurt and sin. It is a powerful reminder that God longs for his people to be healthy and whole.
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