Clarence the Copy Cat

by Patricia Lakin


Clarence has finally found a home in the town library, but will he be ousted when the librarian discovers his uselessness as a mouser?
Clarence may be a cat, but he’s a peace-loving cat–definitely not a mouser. This gets him evicted from his parents’ home at Sam’s Sandwich Shop. Sadly, other storekeepers shoo him away too, as soon as a dreaded m-o-u-s-e appears. Poor Clarence just can’t find a place without mice.
Dejected and tired, Clarence is feeling very sorry for himself when a kindly librarian takes him in. Clarence’s new home is grand–a public library filled with books. There’s even a whirring copy machine! Clarence loves to sit on top of it, earning him the name Copy Cat. For months, life is good. Very good . . . until the winter day when a you-know-what shows up. . . .

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