Nature Guide to the Mountains of Southern California by Car & Foot: Including: The San Gabriel, San Bernardino, San Jacinto, Santa Rosa, Cuyamaca, and Palomar Mountains

The Nature Guide for the naturally curious, the novice nature-lover, the hiker, the camper, and the casual visitor to the mountains of Southern California. An easy-to-use guide that is beautifully illustrated for all who want to enjoy and appreciate our mountains more by identifying the most common trees, shrubs, wildflowers, birds, and mammals. Nature tours by car tell you what you see from mountain highways, and suggest interesting places to stop for a closer view of different life zones and biotic communities. Special sections on life zones, biotic communities, and tracking in layperson's language. The best guide to the mountains of Southern California. This book belongs in the glovebox of anyone living or traveling to California.
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