When Women Gather: Planning Guide for Conferences, Seminars, Workshops or Retreats

Planning a Woman's Gathering can be both exciting and overwhelming. You might feel you are going in five different directions at one time. This might leave you feeling unsure about the best way to pull together a seminar, conference or gathering.The vision for this guide is to help women who want to help others move forward and reach for higher expectations. Some might claim to undertake a conference or woman's gathering is a huge leap of faith over the Grand Canyon. That may be, but you do not need to jump blindly. This guide will hopefully be a beneficial tool for you to use. We have been where you are. Use this guide as a foundation for your creativity, a springboard for designing gatherings that will meet the specific needs of women in your community and a practical as well as economical method for women to share their faith. Remember your "I Cans" will outweigh your "I Can'ts".
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