Rat Race Relaxer: Your Potential & the Maze of Life

What makes Rat Race Relaxer an enjoyable,
thought-provoking journey that reads like a storybook?
52 simple, actionable keys --one for every week of the year
Find new meaning in your current job
Deal more effectively within an imperfect system
Navigate the uncertain maze of the future on your own terms
Discover what you are truly racing toward
Expose the specific areas of your life causing unhealthy levels of
Capitalize on your individuality
RELAX into your unique life path
Everybody s heard the term rat race." We know we re all running it, but
often it seems the rat race is running us. As we juggle the complexities of
work, home and family, is it possible to relax into the rat race, to run
it on our own terms?
Don t try to escape the Rat Race!!!
JoAnna Carey, author of Rat
Race Relaxer: Your Potential & The Maze of Life" shows you how to tackle the
rat race head-on and turn it into a race that can be run and won by
charting your own course rather than navigating someone else s. She
"Rat Race Relaxer is not a book about escaping the rat race; in my opinion,
the rat race is inescapable. It is also not an attempt to help you build a
more perfect life or a guide about how to leave all your stress behind.
Instead, it is a journey to learn more about who you are and a toolbox to
build skills that can help you deal more effectively within the chaos of an
imperfect system. Our perceived powerlessness amid the myriad of available
choices is what most often leads us to believe that the rat race can never
be run on our own terms."
"On my journey, I discovered how to stop running, to relax into my unique
path and to enjoy my individuality. I stopped letting the rat race run me
and instead began using my skills to navigate through the maze of life. This
book is a compilation of how I learned to love my life, imperfections and
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