Real-Resumes for Firefighting Jobs: Including real resumes used to change careeres and gain Federal Employment

by Anne McKinney


When firefighters prepare their resume and other materials needed to explore employment opportunities, they realize that they have a unique background. At last there is a resume book that shows firefighters how to best present their qualifications, credentials, licenses, experience, volunteer work, education and training, affiliations, and other information. Would-be firefighters as well as experienced firefighting professionals will find outstanding samples of resumes and cover letters that worked for real people in their field. A special section of the book shows firefighters how to apply for government jobs and how to write the specialized resumes needed to apply for federal employment. As part of that section on the federal hiring process, the book shows shows how to write KSAs (statements describing Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities). This is a highly specialized title for a highly specialized field and for the very special people in that field.

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