Music Industry Connection: The Truth about Record Pools & Music Conferences, Talent Shows & Open Mics

Do YOU need a list of Music Conferences & Record Pools with info on MAKING MONEY at talent shows and open mics? Can YOU use a resource guide jam-packed with details on SAVING MONEY, NETWORKING w/ MUSIC INDUSTRY EXECUTIVES & DECISION MAKERS and making the most of any music conference, seminar, workshop, expo or panel discussion experience? “In order to walk on water in this game you need to know where the rocks are. Thanks for showing us where the rocks are!!!” Cappriccieo M. Scates, M.B.A. "10 Steps to Successfully Managing Recording Artists" ”THE TRUTH BOOK is the Music Bible… get yours before it’s to late, Hotep” DJ-Bingy Have you went to a music conference year after year, yet your career has not moved forward? Have you spent money on attending a music conference and not seen any tangible results? Do you ever wonder what other bands are doing to get signed at music conferences? Do you want to better prepare for your music conference experience? Do you know how to make the most of your music conference experience? Do you know the key steps to take after attending a music conference? If you knew how to dramatically reduce your music conference cost would you do it? Do you know how to measure your music conference experience? Do you want to improve your talent show or open mic experience? Do you want to build your business from music conferences, talent shows and open mics? Do you want to know how to get the music industry to attend talent shows? Have you ever wondered why some talent shows charge artist to perform? YOU can get YOUR questions answered in the Truth about Record Pools & Music Conferences, Talent Shows & Open Mic Book by JaWar. With over 130 Record Pools and 99 Music Conferences Nationwide this book is YOUR one-stop shop for finding every music conference YOU’LL need to succeed. THE TRUTH BOOK is simple to read and will SAVE YOU MONEY, TIME AND HEADACHES from not being prepared at a music conference, talent show, open-mic or record pool meeting. INSIDE THE TRUTH BOOK YOU’LL FIND What to expect from a music conference How to reduce your cost of attending a music conference How to know if a music conference trip was a success How not to get signed from performing at a music conference Do you want to know the Truth about Talent Shows and Open Mics? Do you want to know the Truth about Talent Shows and Open Mics? Like you I want the truth about talent shows and open mics. Aren’t you ready to go to a showcase that will help your career? Do YOU want to start getting paid whenever you perform? The Truth about Record Pools & Music Conferences, Talent Shows & Open Mics answers your questions and gives you details on… Shady talent showcases Why some talent shows charge money to perform Can an artist expect to get signed from a talent show or open mic How do we get the music industry to attend talent shows Artist paying to perform? Success Secrets to improve YOUR Music Conference Experience In THE TRUTH BOOK, I'll tell you personal experiences at music conferences, talent shows, open mics and record pool meetings, like the time I met a beautiful young lady who had awful breath or when I met one of the BIGGEST RADIO PERSONALITIES IN THE SOUTH. The stories inside THE TRUTH BOOK will BOOST windows of opportunity at music industry networking events, music conferences, talent shows and open mics for you. Because music conferences can get very expensive, I’ll even tell you how many conferences you should attend and how to know if a conference is legit or not. You will learn tips on what to do before, during and after attending a music conference. These tips you can use over and over again to improve your chances for ultimate success at any music conference, seminar, workshop or panel discussion. Better yet these tips will SAVE YOU money, money you could invest in your career ... GET YOUR COPY TODAY!
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