Last Light: Staying True Through the Darkness of Alzheimer's

"By the mercy of God, my intense involvement with Jane's Alzheimer's disease has not squeezed life out of me. It has squeezed life in."––author Harold Burchett, in Last Light In 1998, Harold Burchett's life changed drastically. After almost half a century serving as a pastor and teacher, he became both homemaker and caregiver to his wife, who is battling the devastating effects of Alzheimer's disease. Caring for someone with Alzheimer's––or any serious illness––is difficult and painful. In Last Light, Burchett shares his story, weaving hope, spiritual inspiration, and practical suggestions with his personal narrative. Particularly helpful for spouses of Alzheimer's patients, this ·Demonstrates how the love between a devoted husband and wife can become deeper and more profound ·Offers a look at "a day in the life of Harold and Jane" for a candid description of the extreme highs and lows that accompany Alzheimer's ·Provides guidance for managing self-pity, giving continually without view of repayment, and turning miseries into the joy of answered prayer ·Suggests 40 hints for caregivers, from using nail clippers to expressing empathy to handling the patient's resistance Written with tenderness, honesty, and appropriate humor, Last Light is an excellent source of encouragement for those walking through the struggles of any intense trial.
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