Historians & Race: Autobiography and the Writing of History

by Paul A. Cimbala


"These essays provide a rich portrait of how the self and itsdeepest commitments have driven some of the most important, vital scholarship of thelast fifty years." -- Georgia Historical Quarterly

..".the writing is highly readable and informative for a non-academic audience curiousabout how history is written." -- Magill Book Reviews

Toprovide a context for understanding current race relations and the goals of thecivil rights movement, the editors asked distinguished scholars to reflect upontheir careers and how personal experiences have influenced their scholarship.Prominent historians Dan T. Carter, Eric Foner, Darlene Clark Hine, JacquelineJones, David Levering Lewis, Leon F. Litwack, Mark D. Naison, and George B. Tindallanswered the call.

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