Human Skeletal Remains: Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation

Many anthropologists and even some archeologists have asked, "Why excavate skeletons? What information can we gain to merit the disturbance of human interments?" Human Skeletal Remains answers such questions. Douglas H. Ubelaker demonstrates the range of data and interpretations potentially obtainable from human skeletal remains and shows how this information can contribute to the solution of various anthropological problems. It also describes and evaluates basic techniques of skeletal excavation and analysis. Human Skeletal Remains is divided into two sections. The first section reviews the techniques and information needed for excavating and describing skeletal remains and for achieving reliable estimates of stature, sex, and age at death. These chapters should improve the capacity of non-specialists to undertake skeletal excavation and preliminary analysis. The second section discusses additional kinds of information that can be gleaned from suitable samples by experienced skeletal biologists. The information in Human Skeletal Remains is a broad-scale overview and many aspects have been treated in greater detail by others elsewhere. References are provided in the text for the convenience of those interested in more information on specific topics. Technical terminology has been avoided where possible, but accurate recording and description cannot be accomplished without employing the names of individual bones and other skeletal landmarks. Terms most commonly needed for description are included in a glossary. While it is somewhat modest in its intentions, this analysis provides a clarity that extensive tomes cannot supply.
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