Visions of the Dharma: Japanese Buddhist Paintings and Prints in the Honolulu Academy of Arts

by Stephen Little


Buddhism came to Japan from Korea in the sixth century A.D. Beautiful scrolls and sculpture depict the major schools of Japanese sacred text with illuminated frontispieces; images of the life of Sakyamuni Buddha; handpainted scrolls of primary dieties like Amida Buddha of the Western Paradise, and Jizo, Bodhisattva of the underworld; maps of Shinto shrines; narratives on the lives of famous priests; views of the pure land of Amida; even satirical images of Buddha in different life forms. For experts and lay people. Iconography, techniques, style, provenance, history and function, with English translations of the major inscriptions. Distributed by Woodstocker Books, Woodstock, N.Y.

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