The "Guitar Book" - For Those Who Have Just Landed On The Planet Earth! - Learn How To Play Guitar!

by Chris Lopez


The "Guitar Book" a must have beginners guitar book for those who really want to learn how to play the guitar which includes more than just 4 or 5 chords. Look no further for simplicity and the easiest to play chord fingering diagrams of the most commonly played guitar chords whether it be rock n roll, blues, pop, country or any other style. The Guitar Book Boldly Illustrated with a See and Do Approach....Only the Easy To Learn Guitar Information...Free of All That Wordy Fluff. The Guitar Book .... takes you from tuning your guitar to naming each note on the guitar neck-fingerboard. It clearly illustrates the most commonly played guitar chords in the easiest and best sounding fingering shapes of each chord in both "Open"- notes typically played within the first four frets and "Barre"-fretted shapes. Also included are simple illustrated tips on how to enhance the sound of various chord shapes. There is a Chord Combination Chart which will enable you to begin creating a surprising number of your own chord progressions without the guess work of which chord goes with which chord, allowing you to form the arrangement of any chord progression to suit your voice. You will also learn how to read tablature (tabs) and Power Chords which are simply playing the sixth and fifth string or fifth and fourth string of any barre chord which are referred to as 5th Chords, it is that simple. It is not necessary for the beginning guitar player to spend time reading hundreds of pages of learning how to play to get you on your way to learning how to play the guitar. You will find yourself playing your favorite songs and personal creations right away while saving hundreds of dollars on private lessons. There is a section on traditional blues and rock n roll progressions which you will be able to transpose to any key to fit your voice. Another great feature is that the binding allows this guitar book to remain flat for easy viewing of both the left and right side of each page. Another great feature of this guitar book is you will be surprisingly shown how to change any Major Chord into a Minor Chord, Minor Seventh Chord or Major Dominant 7th Chord by just lifting a finger. It doesn't get any easier and it is so very simple. You may want to come back at a later time to learn why the chords in the Chord Combination Chart are presented in a particular order but it is not necessary to know this to move forward and begin creating your own chord combinations (progressions). This guitar book spends very little time in theory but focuses more of your time on getting you on to learning how to play the guitar the first day you receive it. At the end of this guitar book are presented a few basic practice scale patterns with chord progressions so you can get a feel of what it is like to play lead guitar on a chord progression. It does not get any easier for the beginning guitar player and those who all already play some. This guitar book continues to sell thousands upon thousands of copies world wide consistently because of it is boldly illustrated and simple diagrams. Special Note The Guitar Book For Those Who Have Just Landed On The Planet Earth! Learn How To Play Guitar contains the same learn how to play guitar information as The First Stage Guitar Book, the only difference is that you have a choice of which book cover you would prefer.

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