Agriscience: Fundamentals and Applications

by Elmer L. Cooper


Patterned after FFA-endorsed curricula, this best-selling full-color text integrates basic biological and technological concepts with principles of production agriculture. It carefully takes students through all major science areas from plant and animal sciences, to food science, to environmental technology. The Second Edition features several new Agri-profiles of hi-tech agricultural careers, as well as the latest information on integrated pest management, agribusiness, and natural resource management. Stocked with pedagogical aids, such as performance-based objectives, terms-to-know, chapter-ending reviews, and objective, essay, and review questions, as well as a complete supplement package, this edition provides the tools needed to plan and implement a successful introductory Agriscience program. (plant and animal science, science of living things, biotechnology, natural resource management, hydroponics management)