Sweet Mysteries of Life

by Elaine Slater


The stories in this collection deal with life's quotidian mysteries. Almost all are true yet not true, several are pure fantasy. In each, something has been set in motion that will change forever the lives of the protagonists in small or large ways. Often it is left to the reader to discover what it is that has happened. Each vignette deals with an aspect of human relationships, good or bad, relationships that transform themselves as we stumble through different stages of life, relating to one another in humorous, serious, or even murderous ways. Some told in a man's voice, others in that of a woman, the stories explore the relationships of parent and child, of lovers, of husband and wife, of neighbors. They explore our relationship with authority, with government, and even with the horrors of a future world without promise. They explore the sweet mysteries of life. Although most stories in this collection are based on actual events, this is not to suggest that award-winning author Elaine Slater is a serial killer. Adept at turning murderous thoughts into laughter and life experience into wisdom, her frequently anthologized stories, and some juicy new ones, are here in one volume.