Mechatronics: A Technology Forecast

by John Vanston


Mechatronics is another way of saying 'intelligent mechanical systems' and it is the foundation of many 21st century enabling technologies. Mechatronics involves the integration of mechanical and electrical systems with control systems and information technology. Mechatronics products and processes are increasingly pervasive across a broad range of industries. These same industries are expressing a clear demand for highly skilled employees capable of excelling in these technologically advanced environments and competent in the multidisciplinary application of technologies associated with mechatronics. Colleges should to respond to these employer demands by updating curriculum and creating new courses and programs to serve this emerging technology workforce need.The analysis and information resources provided in this report will aid colleges in developing Mechatronics programs and certificates. This publication includes an overview of mechatronics technology and analysis of related occupations and salaries, inventory of existing mechatronics curriculum and considerations for colleges considering developing related programs and lists of industry experts and mechatronics companies.