The Forty-Niners

It was Westward Ho! as hundreds of pioneers loaded up their covered wagons and traveled down the Oregon Trail. And as they moved, they created their own frontier, forming stepping stones for the thousands who would eventually follow.
What lured these proud and passionate settlers to uproot their homes, pack their possessions and make that long, arduous journey into the dangerous unknown? Was it gold - the dream of new wealth; the opportunity to strike it rich and leave poverty and want behind? Or land - the promise of rich fertile soil to clear and cultivate; a place to sink roots, where a family could call home? Perhaps it was freedom - the chance to start fresh; to live without fear in an untrodden country, young and alive in spirit?
But what these brave and determined people craved most of all was adventure - the need for wide open spaces and untouched earth; the desire to create, challenge and conquer the new American frontier and to carve an unforgettable empire from the great western wilderness.
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