The Theologian as Preacher: Further Sermons from Colin Gunton

A sequel to Gunton's bestselling book of Sermons, Theology through Preaching, this book consists of twenty sermons from the later years of Colin's life. The sermons demonstrate how Colin Gunton communicated his theology to a parish audience and how academic theology can inform preaching practice.
The book is introduced by an account of Gunton's life within Brentwood URC church, where he served as associate minister for over twenty-five years. This account offers a more rounded piciture of the man to those of his readers who knew only the academic side of his work. Two interpretative essays explore how Gunton understood the life of the church and the ministry of preaching, the place of an academic theologian within that, and how the work of preaching affected the development of Gunton's theology. Gunton placed significant value on the preaching ministry, of the connection he saw between that ministry and the work of theology, and of his own conviction that preaching was a necessary task. This book explores through essay and example how these intellectual convictions were worked out in his own life.
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