Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook: 201 Self-Promotion Ideas for Songwriters, Musicians and Bands on a Budget

by Bob Baker


The classic guide to independent music promotion -- now revised and updated! With this manual, you'll discover that music marketing doesn't have to be expensive or flashy to be effective. Whether you're promoting a fast-growing indie band, record label or solo act from your basement, the "Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook" gives you the tools you need to get the most out of your music career. Within these pages you'll - Dozens of simple, high-impact ways to promote yourself, your band or your new release - Tips on how to double your music sales (in 90 days or less) - 25 ways to finance your next recording project, music video or major equipment purchase - The 29 most important elements in creating sizzling music publicity materials. Don't create great music in the dark. Get the "Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook" today. It's already helped thousands of artists get more exposure and generate more gigs and CD sales. Now it's your turn to soak up these ideas and put them to work for you.

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