The Mythology of Crime and Criminal Justice

The revised edition of this innovative, highly successful text offers students an insightful look at the realities of crime and justice. Each chapter challenges basic assumptions and misconceptions about specific crimes or parts of the criminal justice system, providing a provocative alternative to traditional textbooks.
The authors trace the social construction of an issue from its initial appearance through the creation of mythical trappings to the development of social policy based on public perceptions. Fifteen chapters address a wide range of issues to stimulate lively discussion and to provide students with a superb foundation from which to assess popular images of crime, criminals, and criminal justice—in an enjoyable, highly readable format.
(Back Cover)
This innovative alternative to traditional textbooks provides insightful observations of myths and trends in criminal justice. The authors dissect popular images of crimes and criminals in a cogent, compelling, and engaging manner. They confront the misleading statistics and fears that form the basis of myths - and the collateral damage of basing policies on mythical beliefs. The text encourages skepticism about commonly accepted beliefs and provides the tools necessary for critical thinking about complex problems.
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