Big Wallet, No Pants!: What every young person should know, and most adults have forgotten, about their minds, their money and driving bright red Ferraris.
Remember that great idea you gave up on? The idea people called, crazy? Bad news. I took it and made a fortune. Well, actually, I made your fortune. I just get to keep the money. And that dream of playing professional football? Guess what. You really weren't too small. Now I have all your money too, and all the athletic ability you let slip away. I have it all, because that's what I do. I make you give up on your greatest wealth-building gifts . . . your best ideas, your talents, your intellect, your business abilities . . . then I sneak them away from you! So here's a tip. Stop listening to negative advice! I should know, because I created it. Who am I? Well, you don't know me. You can't see me, either. Perhaps if I referred to myself as a, ghostwriter? And today, since I've taken more of your wealth than I can ever use, it's only fair that I start giving some of it back to you. It is time to help you remember why it is that you are there. Time to help you understand that the thoughts and dreams you were born with are valid. That your ambitions, matter. And yes, giving so much back is going to cost me a fortune! But hey, it's a write-off on my taxes. One final The contents of this book will stick in your mind like super-glue to your fingers, so remember, you've been warned! Fact or fiction? You can decide for yourself. But keep an aspirin handy just in case.
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