Abecedario De Los Animales / Animal Alphabet

by Alma Flor Ada


This book offers two poems in Span­ish for each let­ter of the alpha­bet. One poem cen­ters on the fea­tured ani­mal, while the other focuses on the let­ter itself, play­fully explor­ing asso­ci­ated sounds and shapes and mean­ing­ful words. Teach­ers and chil­dren have delighted in this book which has become one of Alma Flor's clas­sics, with numer­ous reprints both in hard­cover and paper­back. Viví Escrivá's whim­si­cal illus­tra­tions con­tribute to make this book a favorite wel­com­ing present for a new born child, a spe­cial birth­day present or sim­ply a book that belongs in the library of every child who speaks, or is learn­ing to speak, Spanish.

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