Managing Americas Organizations

Managing America s Organizations examines 41 cases packed with more than 155 administrative, management, and policy problems in the non-profit and public sector. Each of the specific cases, spanning more than 350 pages, connects theory with practical application for all levels of learning undergraduate, graduate and professional training. The thought-provoking cases are written to reflect the real-life experiences of administrators and the kind of problems professionals will likely face in the entry-,middle-level, and higher executive positions they will hold upon graduation. This cutting-edge resource may be used as the primary text for courses employing the case study approach or as a supplement to instruction by textbook and lectures. In addition, the case studies may be used in a graduate seminar or as an aid to non-profit and governmental professional development programs. Topics Addressed Managing America s Organizations showcases administrative and public issues of an enduring nature in the non-profit and public sectors centralization and decentralization; communication problems; contracting for service; government consolidation; cutback management; discrimination; downsizing; e-government; e-mail; employee participation; employee rights; ethical questions; fiscal and budgetary matters; grassroots democracy; interagency and intraagency relations; jurisdictional conflicts; legislative relations; life-work balance; uses of the Internet; managerial style; media relations; organizational design and behavior; philanthropic organizations; program evaluation; stress management; time management; wellness; and women-in-management. Issues of Contemporary Origin Addressed Managing America s Organizations also addresses issues of contemporary origin such workplace violence and security; secrecy and confidentiality; quality of work-life; prison and business relations; lifestyle; immigration; entrepreneurialism; eldercare; and bullying. Additionally, a host of major national laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act, and the Civil Rights Act of 1991 are highlighted.
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