National Geographic Destinations, the Sierra Nevada

by National Geographic Society


Four-hundred-mile-long range of alluring beauty, the Sierra Nevada displays spectacular landscapes carved by nature and enhanced by the stunning interplay of light and shadow. Although facing environmental pressure, the region's three national parks and nine national forests attract visitors from around the world -- people who come to marvel at the crashing waterfalls in Yosemite, the breathtaking summit of Mt. Whitney, and the glassy waters of Lake Tahoe. Outdoor recreationists fly-fish in cascading rivers, ski at Squaw Valley, and kayak the Kern River's white water. Herds of mule deer congregate in the winter to graze tender shoots of grass. In Owen Valley, natural hot springs bubble among the wild-flowers. The Sierra Nevada harbors a gallery of masterpieces, splendidly colored by nature's elusive palette of light.