How to Fight Your Traffic Ticket and Win!: 206 Tips Tricks and Techniques

by Mel Leiding


This book covers traffic tickets from A to Z. It begins with ways to avoid getting a ticket and ends with an excellent tip on how to ask the judge to make his guilty or not guilty decision in the privacy of his chambers away from the watchful eyes of waiting traffic officers and the other defendants in the courtroom. Mr. Leiding has taken large blocks of important information and concentrated it into very concise and useful tips. Each one is easy to understand and remember. The tips on how to prepare for a traffic hearing are especially helpful. The appendix is very informative and gives a good overview of how and why to ask the officer certain types of questions. Thankfully this book does not contain complicated technical information that only works some of the time or in specific circumstances. Each tip is designed to be used by everyone in all different types of situations.