Building Outdoor Gear

How to make outdoor equipment that will meet the demands of the serious outdoor person. Outdoor people don’t make their own gear to save money. The fly fisherman who ties his own flies or makes her own rods will readily admit, if they are honest, that they have more money tied up in inventory and tools than they would ever have spent on store-bought flies or fly rods. The same is true for the handloader who puts together ammunition for hunting or for target practice, or the duck hunter who carves his/her own decoys. Economy isn’t the objective; it is the satisfaction of making something and then seeing it do what it was designed to do. And, they will argue, what they make is better than what they can buy. And, they are right! Besides the great outdoor equipment you can build from this book there is detailed information on the use of epoxy technology – the greatest boon to the outdoorsman since the birch bark canoe. Cane seats have been used by outdoorsmen for many years. A chapter is devoted to this old time craft so you can create your own comfortable outdoor seats as well as repair some old chairs that have been stored in the attic. Sprinkled through the chapters in this book are hints, tips, ideas and recipes that will make your days outdoors more enjoyable and productive.
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