Vodou Visions: An Encounter With Divine Mystery
"Vodou" is the spelling preferred by practitioners who revere this powerful, ancient tradition - and Vodou Visions provides and inspirtaional and authentic guide to its history, practices, and creative applications. It describes the tools and techniques for developing the magical mind and honoring the soul, while revealing how Vodou can release creative spritituallity and open doors to self-awareness. Comprehensive and inviting, Vodou Visions introduces readers to Vodou's rich history, powerful ancestors, and vibrant spirits, known as Lwa. With more than one hundred breathtaking illustrations, Vodou Visions reveals how to honor and invoke the Lwa with specific ceremonial offerings and litanies. Using methods drawn from more than twenty years of practice, Vodou pirestess Sallie Ann Glassman shares purification and empowerment rituals for individuals, commuinities, homes, and spiritual spaces. For more advanced practitioners, Glassman describes ways to deepen communication with the Lwa and to give thanks for an ongoing spiritual relationship. The visions of the Lwa bring a living experience of the Spirit into daily life. Glassman welcomes readers to a community of faith and -- above all -- to a journey toward creative spirituality that will enrich and affirm their lives.
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