Coach Yourself: Make Real Changes in Your Life

Life coaching empowers people to make lasting, positive, inspirational change in their working life and life outside work. As such, coaching is a proven highly successful management technique. Many people seek coaches from within their organisation or visit a professional life coach. But many more still feel uncomfortable asking another person to fulfil this role, or don't have access to the right kind of person, with the right kind of time, or simply don't have the disposable income to employ a professional.
Imagine the cost effectiveness and convenience of having your life coach on tap 24/7. There whenever you need them. You can - it's you.
Based on scientifically validated and tested psychological techniques, this highly practical book will teach you how to make lasting positive, inspirational change in your life. It will help you to identify goals and to reach them. You will learn how to be your own, solution-focussed life coach.
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