Understanding & Healing Codependency with Gospel Principles

by John C. Turpin


Here is the book everyone has been asking for--expanded from Dr. Turpin's two best-selling audio tapes on codependency. Dr. Turpin takes you on a healing journey and helps you answer for yourself the following 1. What is codependency and how can I identify where I am on the Codependency Continuium? 2. How can I get out of denial? 3. Why do I have trouble dealing with my feelings and how can I learn to deal with feelings better? 4. How does codependency influence my relationships with others and how can these relationships be improved? 5. What can I do to identify and further the gospel healing of my codependency? With examples and stories, Dr. Turpin illustrates the most commonly experienced symptoms and results of codependency and gives clear guidelines for using gospel principles to chart new progress. He sorts out the confusing differences between codependent service and true Christlike service. Dr. Turpin will free you forever from the misunderstandings and myths that motivate self-neglecting and self-denouncing behavior. He helps you see clearly the connection between a true, validationg self-love based on your inherent worth as a child of God, and the ability to live on the level of Christ like service. Feel the Lord's love for you and sense your true importance in his eternal scheme. This perspective is the basic foundation for building a strong, happy, codependency-free life.