Development and Change: Essays in Honour of K. N. Raj

This collection of papers in honor of the renowned development economist K.N. Raj includes papers by Amartya Sen, T.N. Srinivasan, Pranab Bardhan, Kaushik Basu, Shigeru Ishikawa, Edmar Bacha, Debraj Ray, and Amit Bhaduri. These, and the many other distinguished authors included in this volume
have contributed significantly to development theory and policy, and have greatly influenced the course of development economics over a long period of time. The essays fall into three sections: development theory, comparative development experience, and Indian development experience. The majority of
the essays illustrate the tensions and challenges that arise in the process of interaction between economic development and institutional change. They provide a fresh look at development issues and the experiences of the last thirty years. This important collection will be widely read not only by
development economists, but also by policy planners and practitioners.
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