'Till Death Do Us Part: Love, Marriage, and the Mind of the Killer Spouse

by Robi Ludwig


Every day six people in the United States are murdered by spouses or intimate partners. Society is captivated and startled by stories of these killers, leading people to wonder how seemingly normal and happy people manage to go over the edge. In Till Death Do Us Part, noted psychotherapist Dr. Robi Ludwig, along with journalist Matt Birkbeck, presents the psychological profiles of notorious killer spouses -- from Scott Peterson and Clara Harris to Rabbi Fred Neulander and Betty Broderick. Dr. Ludwig reveals the ten killer personality types and defines them in detail with examples from high-profile cases and in-depth analyses of the motivations behind the murders.

Gripping and insightful, Till Death Do Us Part explores a phenomenon that many spouses can't help but think about -- shedding light on the very notion of "happily ever after."