Disney Music Player Storybook

by Sarah E. Heller


Music is an important part of all the Disney movies. In this deluxe storybook and play CD pack, toddlers and preschoolers have a chance to hum along with tunes inspired by all of Disney's favorite animal friends. Includes music player with handle and 4 music discs = a total of 24 songs! All the Disney movies have rich musical accompaniments to complement the stories being told. This special storybook and music player set offers young fans a chance to read about their favorite Disney animal characters, while listening to music that sets the tone for their adventures. Each story is accompanied by a music disc that plays a special song from the movie, plus a selection of additional tunes to read to¿a total 24 songs. Prompts in the storybook tell readers when to play each song as they read. Stories include Finding Nemo , The Jungle Book , 101 Dalmations , and The Lion King . Includes 4 original Finding Nemo , The Jungle Book , 101 Dalmations , and The Lion King . Special Music Player with handle included with book. Takes 2 AA batteries Includes 4 music discs to be played on the 'music player' 15 minutes of music. 24 songs ! 6 songs per music disc (see back of TI for listing of songs)