Code of Medical Ethics: Current Opinions with Annotations 2002-2003

by American Medical Association. Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs


Code of Medical Ethics, Current Opinions with Annotations, 2002-2003 Updated guidance for responsible professional medical behavior. For over 155 years, the AMA Code of Medical Ethics has been considered the most comprehensive ethics guide for physicians, covering a wide range of issues related to the patient-physician relationship, such as confidentiality and end-of-life care. It also addresses social policy issues that affect medical practice matters such as medical records, fees and charges, professional rights, etc. The new updated Code of Medical Ethics includes over 175 ethical opinions of the AMA’s Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs. This new edition includes the revised Principles of Medical Ethics, and clarification of opinions on gifts to physicians from industry and sales of goods from physicians’ offices. Among the 17 new opinions in this edition are those on conflicts of interest in research, the use of genetic information, and surrogate decision making. Unique to this edition is the Declaration of Professional Responsibility, an oath by which physicians can publicly uphold and celebrate the ideals that have inspired them to enter medicine and the conduct that has earned society's trust in the healing profession. Annotations of case law and journal articles that discuss individual opinions add detailed information and great convenience to research. The Code of Medical Ethics offers guidance to physicians across the entire spectrum of medical clinicians, trainees and educators, researchers and administrators. It is an essential companion for medical educators, ethics committees, county, state and specialty societies, accrediting and licensing organizations, and legislators who are concerned with establishing and promoting professional and ethical standards of conduct for physicians.

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