The Treasures of the Monastery of Saint Catherine (I Tesori del Monastero di Santa Caterina)

Dating back to 324 AD, when a community of monks requested a chapel to be built on the spot where they believed the Burning Bush had stood, the monastery of St. Catherine has remained an oasis of peace for centuries. Today, it is a place of international pilgrimage, housing the most extensive collection of Greek Orthodox icons in the world. Granted unprecedented access to this holy site, photographer Araldo De Luca and author Corinna Rossi take readers inside the walls of this sacred place, revealing its peerless artistic, historical, and religious legacy through superb photographs and an authoritative text that incorporates the most recent research and discoveries. Presented in a handsome slipcase and featuring a preface by Archbishop Damianos of Sinai, the archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church, this is a book to be cherished by art lovers and anyone interested in our historical and religious heritage.
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