I'm A Woman, Not A Robot

This book was written to help women from all walks of life learn how to thrive and flourish in their calling of being a woman. I believe that the complexity and beauty of being a woman is very unique. Women should be free to be that very special being that God has created them to be. In this book you will discover wisdom that is easily applicable and very helpful in restoring and revitalizing, the gift of being a woman. Despite the fact that the books main audience will be women, I do believe that men could gain a lot of needed insight from its context. As women we do have many roles that we are actively involved in on a consistent basis. However, to be productive in the carrying out of these roles we do need to understand that the Bible holds the key for us. My hope is that women from all over the world would read this book and allow God, through His written word, restore them to a godly, productive, fertile and fruitful life.
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